Loeries appoint new CEO


The Loerie Awards has reappointed Andrew Human as CEO from 1 March 2012. Human planned to step down after last year’s event and, although candidates for the position were interviewed, the board decided to approach Human to reconsider his decision. Due to strategic and structural changes made to the Loeries, the board felt that Human was the ideal person to continue to lead the association.

“The board is acutely aware of the positive impact Human has had on the Loeries brand over the past seven years, with significant success seen at The 33rd Annual Loerie Awards in Cape Town last September. Even though Human had resigned, he continued to show continued dedication, passion and commitment to the Loeries, while implementing the new structural changes. Obsession to deliver is a great characteristic that Human has demonstrated from the day he stepped in as the Loeries MD back in 2005,” stated Boniswa Pezisa, Chairperson of The Loerie Awards. “Our board members were in full agreement that Andrew is the right person for this new assignment, which sparked our decision to ask him to reconsider his position. I am personally delighted that he has accepted and look forward to working together with him again!”


Human is very enthusiastic about retaining his position as CEO, “We have some very exciting changes taking place this year – moving judging and the seminar to Cape Town as part of Creative Week is going to be an exciting challenge. The next phase of the Loeries is for the whole industry – marketers, agencies, designers, architects and media owners – to embrace the fact that creativity is business. We all need to be innovative to compete effectively and I believe South Africa can be a top-tier creative economy.”


Creative Week Cape Town takes place 17 – 23 September 2012 and includes Judging Week, the Loeries Seminar, awards ceremonies on 22 and 23 September, as well as the Pendoring Awards on 21 September.  The 2012 Call for Entries will open on 15 March.  All category information, preparation guidelines, entry deadlines and fees will be available from this date on the Loeries website (www.theloerieawards.co.za).


For further information and updates, please visit the website or sign up for the Loeries online newsletter by emailing [email protected].


Important Loerie dates to diarise:


Migrate magazine – issue 14

Now available at Exclusive Books


33rd Loeries printed Annual

Now available to order on the Loeries website


Call for Entries

15 March 2012


Migrate magazine – issue 15

May 2012


Judging Week in Cape Town

17 – 20 September 2012


Loeries Seminar in Cape Town

21 September 2012


The 34th Annual Loerie Awards at the CTICC

22 & 23 September 2012


Migrate magazine – issue 16

November 2012

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