Samsung sponsors Flux Trends

Samsung Electronics SA today announced its alignment with, and sponsorship of the Flux Trends Review 2012 – run by Flux Trends, a trends analysis company that focuses on the shifting social dynamics and changing consumer mindset. 

This sponsorship will see Samsung collaborate in two specific areas including; the Flux Trend Review 2012 (an inspirational think-tank that provides invaluable insights into the way people work, live, communicate and interact through a trends analysis of changing social, political and economic landscape) and the Flux Trends monthly ‘open trend’ sessions, which focus on new trend reports.

Says Michelle Potgieter, Head: Corporate Marketing and Communications at Samsung; “As a brand that is constantly striving to understand our customers and the space in which they ‘live, work and play’ there is no doubt that this sponsorship brings with it some very strong synergies. The opportunity to intrinsically understand the consumer landscape and its market influencers far more is key to our ability to deliver on our promise of ‘smarter lifestyles’ through our technology.  We believe our collaboration with Flux Trends will help support this ongoing brand mandate.”

The Flux Trend Review is a one-day trend conference which is tailor-made to inspire and challenge delegates to face the emerging ‘new world order’ armed with relevant information; this year’s review will focus on the ripple effect of this “new world order” as tried and tested templates of business, fast become obsolete. A selection of industry thought leaders will provide their insights for our changing world.

These monthly sessions will be hosted in Johannesburg and Cape Town and will be utilised to examine new trend reports and market movements. –Samsung will host technology and experiential product demonstrations and interactions at each of these sessions, where the brand has the opportunity to continue to showcase its product innovations.

Says Dion Chang, founder of Flux Trends; “Samsung’s brand is synonymous with Flux Trends’ core values of innovation and forward-thinking in identifying consumer behaviour, and it is this alignment of thought that makes this sponsorship so exciting. We are very proud to welcome Samsung as our core technology partner and sponsor.”

Innovation and brand elevation
“I certainly believe that the Samsung brand is very advanced in its commitment to identifying fundamental consumer needs and wants – and our consistent product innovation is evidence of this. Through this sponsorship, we are aligning to what our brand already represents and we look forward to the opportunities that the sponsorship will bring, keeping us top of mind for consumers in terms of technology innovation and leadership,” concludes Potgieter.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated sales of US$143.1 billion. Employing approximately 206,000 people in 197 offices across 72 countries, the company operates two separate organizations to coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display, Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems, Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and LED. Recognized for its industry-leading performance across a range of economic, environmental and social criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world’s most sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones Sustainability Index. For more information, please visit <> .

About Flux Trends

Fluxdistills the barrage of information that is hurled at us in the 21st century. We identify and analyse macro trends (everything from politics, economic indicators, youth culture, media, entertainment and technology) that affect social dynamics and therefore our business interactions. We join the dots, then package this information into digestible chunks, allowing small or corporate businesses to re-assess the shifting social landscape and formulate new, forward thinking, marketing or business strategies. For more information visit: <>

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