ABF Vital Support Fund will close without industry support

This year the ABF Vital Support Fund is 43 years old. The organisation exists to look after those in the communications, media and advertising fields when they fall on hard times. If the ABF does not receive an urgent cash injection it will have to close its doors and will be unable to help our peers who have lost their jobs or find themselves unable to earn a living for whatever reason.

 “We have been looking after those in the industry for almost half a century,” says Sharlene Vallance, executive committee member. “Last year was a very difficult year for the ABF as the demand for help far exceeded our income. Many people are out of work and we receive requests daily for assistance. Although the ABF produced more fund raising events than ever, we still fell short of securing a healthy cash flow and ensuring that the organisation was able to increase our grants.”

 The ABF is urging all able agencies, marketers, media owners and communicators to support the ABF with cash donations to enable it to continue its vital support role. Donators will be provided with tax certificates and where requested, certificates for BEE ratings.

“Donations can literally mean the difference between providing a meal for a family and them going hungry,” says Sharlene. “We have families with babies who have requested help, out of work parents who would do anything to ensure that their children are fed and elderly people who are alone with no care and no income. Our social workers visit all our cases every month and provide a report back to the Validation Committee.

We are providing the most basic essential help,” she says. “The people we are assisting are your previous colleagues, creative geniuses of the industry in years gone by, your friends, and your mentors. Please support us so that we can help our industry.”


The ABF bank details are listed below, any support is appreciated.


Standard Bank

Branch code: 051001

Account number 022 653 767


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