Posterscope SA to launch Out of Home Consumer survey

Posterscope, South Africa’s leading Out of Home advertising agency, will be launching OCS 2, their second Out of Home Consumer survey later this month. OCS is the world’s most in depth study of consumer behaviour in relation to Out of Home advertising.

The first OCS study was launched in 2009 and 2011 sees additional insights being tabled including updated data regarding technology use and direct benchmarking against other above the line media including print and television.

“Advertising buyers are being more strategic with their budgets and the more information they have to support their purchase decisions, the better,” said Erik Warburg, Managing Director, Posterscope South Africa, “We hope that the intensive insights within OCS 2 will add value to the advertising industry as a whole, especially those using Out of Home as their preferred medium.”

A preview of some of the latest insights include:

·       After viewing billboards, more than 1 in 5 males have gone to a website as a result.
·       3 out of 4 males agree that billboards on the main road are influential.
·       4 out of 5 females between 18 and 24 have been influenced into buying something from electronic billboards inside a grocery store.
·       3 in 10 will respond after seeing a billboard which has an SMS to reply to.
·       Over 70% of women have bought something in a clothing store because of an electronic advert in the store.
·       Over 85% of women trust advertising in shopping centres.
·       1 in 2 males are spending more time on their cellphones than 2 years ago.
·       1 in 4 males think about their finances on their way to work, and 1 in 4 males think about what to eat for dinner on their way home from work.

The OCS 2 will be launched in July in Cape Town and Johannesburg

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