AdReview Spot the Trend Competition rules

Win a ticket for the first ever AdReview Conference as well as for the AdReview Awards on May 17.



  1. Identify a trend and give it a name.

2. Tweet your trend to #AdReviewsa, giving your name and contact numbers (landline and mobile).

3. In the winning entry we will be looking for originality and humour in both selecting the trend and in giving it a name.

4. You can even make up a trend, and as long as it seems right – relevant, trendy, credible, connected, on the ball – we’ll consider it.

All you need to do is to enter is to identify a trend and give it a name. Tweet your trend and name to #adreviewsa and win a ticket worth R2900.  Tweets should not be longer than 140 characters.

Our panel of judges will select a shortlist, and from these Ann Mack will pick the winner, who wins a seat at her table at the AdReview Awards Banquet on May 17. Ann is JWT’s Director of Trendspotting based in New York. She will be speaking at the AdReview Conference on the morning of May 17, and attending the awards  banquet in the evening.

For inspiration, look for trends  in celebrities, human behavior (“random acts of kindness” was a trend), good or bad service, brands of all kinds including personal brands, new products, talk on twitter or radio talkback shows, social and environmental challenges,

Here are some examples:

For Ann Mack, one of the hot trends at the moment is FOMO. The Fear Of Missing Out. That’s the main thing behind the obsessive use of social media like twitter and Facebook.

FOOF AS THE NEW ECO-ISSUE: The environmental impact of our food choices. (Ann Mack)

MARRIAGE OPTIONAL: Marriage is no longer an essential checkpoint in people’s lives. (Ann Mack)

FLAWSOME; awesome despite having flaws. brands  that behave more humanely, including showing their flaws, will be awesome. (From


MATURIALISM: mature materialism; able to handle more honest conversations, daring innovations, quirky flavours. (

Want more ideas? Google “trendspotting”. But Ann Mack will be doing the final judging, and she knows an original trend when she sees one.


  1. Identify a trend and give it a name.

2. Tweet your trend to #AdReviewsa, giving your name and contact numbers (landline and mobile).

3. In the winning entry we will be looking for originality and humour in both selecting the trend and in giving it a name.

How to build your brand on the hot global trend of the moment will be explained at the AdReview Conference on May 17 by one of the world’s top trend watchers, JWT’s Director of Trendspotting, Ann Mack. Her topic: “FOMO. How can brands tap into the Fear Of Missing Out.”

FOMO is the main reason for the global obsession with social media such as twitter and Facebook.

Trendspotting is more than having a good laugh at the funny things people do, says Ms Mack. It’s a vital tool  that marketers can use to get ahead of their competition.

The theme of the conference is “The Future of Advertising” and conference convenor Tony Koenderman has assembled an impressive array of speakers to help marketers, ad agencies and media navigate through the digital wave engulfing the communications industry.

Speakers are:

Gary Leih, former head of Ogilvy UK now running a new agency in Cape Town: “Five years down the line…The future advertising landscape.”

Marie Jamieson, worldwide strategy director of TBWA: “Creativity in a digital world.”

Shirley Wakefield, Pondering Panda: “Why advertising doesn’t work like it used to?”

Jason Xenopoulos, founder of Native: “Survive the digital revolution – and prosper.”

Anice Hassim, founder immedia : “Planet of the Apps: the next big medium.”

The half-day conference will be at the Sandton Convention Centre on May 17. For bookings, e-mail


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