Chateau Libertas has a new look

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Chateau Libertas, one of South Africa’s well established red wine blends, has been given a new look as it gears up for its 80th birthday next year.

The bright yellow rectangular label has made way for a sleeker, more contemporary version featuring the Cape Dutch homestead that has graced the bottle since its inception in 1932.

To co-incide with the  new make-over, the brand is running an sms-based competition in which the two main winners will each receive R100 000 in cash to undertake their own home renovations, as well as expert guidance in how to go about it by leading magazine Tuis/Home.  Says brand spokesperson Jackie Olivier: “The two major prize-winners will be visited by a representative from the magazine and given help in deciding how to approach their alterations. Photographs taken before and after their individual makeovers, will also be featured in the May issue of the publication next year.”

In the first stage of the campaign, current bottles of Chateau Libertas will appear in stores, featuring a necktag announcing the imminent new look and providing details of the makeover competition.

Once the new-look bottles are in circulation from August, they will be supported by extensive in-store merchandising that will also serve to encourage winelovers to enter the competition. The promotion will be covered by Tuis/Home across several issues, as well as across social media platforms.

“Although there will only be two cash prizes, we are also giving away DIY kits to many of the lucky entrants to inspire them to get started on revitalising their homes,” says Olivier. “The initiative is intended to start building greater awareness for this iconic South African brand, ahead of its 80th birthday, when additional marketing events are being planned that will be announced in due course.”

Olivier stresses that while the label is to receive a make-over, the intrinsics remain virtually unaltered. “We are keeping the cork closure. The pleasure of uncorking a bottle of Chateau Libertas is still very much a part of the experience for many South Africans. The style of the wine is also being retained.”

The Cabernet Sauvignon-led blend includes Merlot and Shiraz.

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