Ogilvy South Africa announced today the launch of Social@Ogilvy, a worldwide practice connecting all of the agency’s social media experts to deliver solutions across all areas of business. Ogilvy Public Relations is the home of Social@Ogilvy but it is now expanding across all marketing disciplines into a dynamic, global network of social media experts from [...]
About Gillian Abrahams

MASA urges renewed industry memberships
The continued success of AMASA (The Advertising Media Association of South Africa) hinges on the existence of a strong and motivated membership. AMASA is calling on all members to renew their annual membership and for potential members from the media industry to sign up. Fulfilling its fundamental mandate of providing education to the media advertising [...]

Deloitte 2012 media predictions
The ‘Catch Up commuter’ who uses smartphones, tablet computers and portable media players will become a force in the competitive 2012 electronics market, predicts Deloitte. In fact, says Mark Casey Deloitte Leader of Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) in southern Africa: “If you take more smartphones, tablet computers and portable media players, add a dash [...]

Adrian Hewlett launches new agency
According to an exclusive story by Herman Manson which appeared on Bizcommunity CEO and founder of the Habari Group, Adrian Hewlett has combined his group’s significant through-the-line, below-the-line, research, digital and social businesses to launch a major new independent advertising agency called Machine. Manson writes “Machine (www.machineagency.co.za; @machineagency) launches as a significant player in the [...]

Local socialites kick off new season for My Super Sweet World Class
Cape Town ‘it girls’ and self-named ‘party queens of Cape Town’ Liz Stone and Elena Pappas are the glamorous hosts of the new season of My Super Sweet World Class (MTV, DStv Channel 321, 23:00 CAT, Sunday 19 February 2012). From Sydney to Oslo, Cape Town to the Hamptons, MTV’s My Super Sweet World Class [...]

SA shows little change in radio listening habits
South Africans have shown little change in their radio listening habits, with SAARF’s latest RAMS release showing no significant listening changes over the previous survey. Key results from RAMS February 2012, the sixth release from the 2011 RAMS programme, are: Time spent listening As was the case in RAMS Dec 2011, time spent listening (TSL) [...]
Latest Issue - February 2012
In This Issue:
- Kiing James stands tall
- Tribute to John Farquhar
- TV belle of the ball
- KZN Overview
- Mall Media
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- RT @busrep: Apple's iPhone loses China market share http://t.co/pLVXbLqY 2 days ago
- RT @ITWeb: Google+ brand pages take off http://t.co/x7NuTu9q (side note - ours is here: http://t.co/QahGJC1d :)) 2 days ago
- RT @FastCompany: We culled the most talked-about topics on @twitter into a crossword puzzle. http://t.co/MCOm7nq6 #MIC12 2 days ago
- RT @AspasiaKarras: "If good things are said don't let it go to your head, if horrible things are said don't let it go to your heart"Mel ... 2 days ago
- RT @samanthaperry: RT @JPSAorg: ADVISORY: Anyone stopped in a #JMPD roadblock & told you MUST pay outstanding AARTO fines, CALL ME on 08 ... 2 days ago
- Rian van Heerden joins Jacaranda 94.2 June 29, 2011
- Jacaranda 94.2 announces new breakfast team November 29, 2011
- Supa Strikas Scores 100! December 1, 2010
- New Editor for Advantage Magazine February 17, 2012
- Free digital edition of NewsNow available to subscribers February 17, 2012
- Danielle Weakley appointed launch editor of Grazia South Africa February 16, 2012
- maimoona: I totaly love this mag and im telling everyone abo...
- Oscar: I am surprised at the response above i have purpos...
- Thabo: Jacaranda, RIan is a VERY VERY bad choice! Just l...
