New Website for MediaShop

The MediaShop’s new revamped website – <>  - is open 24 hours.

Explore the website to discover The MediaShop’s areas of expertise and experience its thinking both inside and out of the box. Meet the management team steering the agency to new heights and find out about The MediaShop’s internal training policies and internship opportunities. Interested in obtaining an indication of the comparative “real” value of your media budget for 2011 or how many Audience Ratings could possibly be purchased on TV? Simply click on the Tools button in the menu and click through to the relevant calculation you require. Updated advertising spend is also listed, these exclude media owner self promotion.

For clients and media owners who are unable to attend The MediaShop’s regular informative forums should not despair because vodcasts of each session will be posted on the site.

Chris Botha, Group Managing Director says, “Congratulations to everyone involved in creating our new look website which I believe is a great reflection of The MediaShop. It shows us as an agency going the extra mile for our clients, always active, always innovative, never static and open for business 24 hours a day.”


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