Hippo gets new friends

Hippo gets new friends

Human.Kind Advertising and Masters & Savant Worldwide undertook Hippo.co.za’s new campaign for its re-launch. The campaign introduces consumers to the magical world that the Hippo inhabits along with a host of new characters that were also conceptualised by both agencies. “The trick was to get the right balance between the entertainment and the sell,” says [...]

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Eat Out announces top 10

Eat Out announces top 10

Stellenbosch restaurant Rust en Vrede has won all three major awards at the 2010 Eat Out Restaurant Awards – Restaurant of the Year, Service Excellence and Chef of the Year, which goes to David Higgs. Although the competition for the top 10 restaurants in South Africa was fierce, Rust en Vrede secured all three awards [...]

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ABF appoints Louise Marsland to executive committee

ABF appoints Louise Marsland to executive committee

Louise Marsland, Editor in Chief of Advantage Magazine has been appointed to a seat on the ABF’s national executive committee for 2011. All ABF executive committee members provide freely of their time, volunteering to serve on the national executive committee in the hopes of assisting people who were previously in the industry and who have [...]

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Agency moves towards social media

Agency moves towards social media

The days of static websites which convey information but little else are over. The emphasis today is on creating conversations and conveying news says TBWASouth Africa. With the move towards social media in the digital space means that static ‘corporate’ website space needs to be reinvented to be geared towards social media. “The internet user [...]

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Portfolio changes for MediaShop

Portfolio changes for MediaShop

The MediaShop has announced several structural and portfolio changes, effective from January. Chris Botha has been appointed group managing director of The MediaShop while Virginia Hollis will continue to act as MD of the Sandton flagship and Sean Clarke in his role as Operations Director will ensure that I.T., Legal, Finance and HR’s smooth running [...]

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MobiMedia rolls out new offering

MobiMedia rolls out new offering

A new division within MobiMedia, MobileImpact, is rolling out an offering to assist the vibrant SME segment of the market to access the ‘mobi-sphere’. The new division, MobileImpact will provide a mini-revolution in mobile – making mobile simple and accessible. This new offering will allow smaller companies to embrace the promotional opportunities offered by the [...]

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