Can Ogilvy take top two creative positions? The battle for creative leadership has never been closer November 26, 2012. There’s still much to fight for in the remaining advertising competitions of 2012. One of the most intriguing possibilities is that Ogilvy Johannesburg will come in second, behind Ogilvy Cape Town, making it a clean sweep [...]

Fish and Chip ad attracts many to YouTube
MetropolitanRepublic is the agency behind the Fish and Chip Co Hake and Chips for R25 meal ad that the SABC is refusing to flight. This commercial depicts a cartoon President Jacob Zuma and his family having dinner was not aired because it implied presidential endorsement of the product, the SABC said on Tuesday. As of today it [...]

PRISM entry deadline looms
As the 25 January entry deadline looms for the 2013 PRISM Awards, public relations companies across southern Africa are waking up to the fact that entering the PRISM Awards is more of a ‘have to’ than a ‘would like to’ on their list of priorities. With almost 40 category awards up for grabs, there are [...]

Boomtown celebrates 3 awards, across 3 continents in 10 days
After Boomtown’s success of winning a 2012 CLIO Award in New York earlier this month, as well as an Assegai, it was announced that they are adding an Epica Award to their existing trophy cabinet for the Always On Direct Marketing campaign implemented for global power generation service provider, Aggreko. The Epica awards were created [...]

Ogilvy Joburg takes Pendorings highest accolade
PENDORING PRESTIGE AWARD THE ‘CHERRY ON TOP’ Of all the awards that Ogilvy Johannesburg took this year, locally and abroad, for its innovative integrated digital campaign MK is, Pendoring’s highest accolade, the Prestige Award, is ‘extra special’, not only because it broke the drought in Pendoring’s digital categories, but because it was the first digital [...]

New Mxit ‘GetThere’ app launched by Native
NATIVE Inventions, as part of its mandate to make technology accessible to the masses, has launched a new Mxit application, ‘GetThere’ – a directions app which uses the Google Maps API – which can be used on all feature phones. “Though statistics indicate that smartphone usage in South Africa will significantly increase over the next [...]
Advantage Mag on Twitter
- RT @danettefrog44: Digital agency of the year is Quirk #AdFocus2012 9 hours ago
- RT @odette_roper: #Adfocus2012 Results - African Agency Network of the Year: Ogilvy Africa 9 hours ago
- RT @Orestaki: Neo Mashigo winner of New broom. Great to be young. Good luck for the future mate. You'll rock. #AdFocus2012 9 hours ago
- RT @odette_roper: #Adfocus2012 Results - Partnership of the Year (to award the relationship between an agency ... 9 hours ago
- RT @justinspratt: super proud of all our amazing QuirkStars who helped us win Digital Agency of the Year. It is ... 9 hours ago
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- Rian van Heerden joins Jacaranda 94.2 June 29, 2011
- Jacaranda 94.2 announces new breakfast team November 29, 2011
- Knock-out beer TVC screens this weekend July 20, 2012
- Fish and Chip ad attracts many to YouTube November 28, 2012
- Nando’s Christmas November 28, 2012
- PRISM entry deadline looms November 28, 2012
- Tony: Thanks for the comments. We have taken the view in...
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