November 12, 2012. Ads for an Epoch Facebook tries to emulate ‘1984’ and ‘Crazy Ones’ but doesn’t quite make it I nstead of commissioning a statue of its founder or setting up a charitable trust, a high-tech industry leader today may choose to mark its achievement with a self-conscious, epochal advertisement that makes a “Big [...]
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Ogilvy Cape’s hot streak Cape agency can’t be beaten for 2012’s top creative spot O gilvy Cape Town is on the hottest of hot streaks right now. It heads the creative leaderboard and has amassed enough points from the awards events so far that it can’t be overtaken in the two remaining events (see table). [...]

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Tony Koenderman’s AdReview is positioned as an essential handbook for those making choices in marketing. Looking for a new agency, design shop or public relations consultancy? AdReview can tell you who’s biggest, who’s growing fastest, who’s winning the most new business, who’s winning the creative awards…who’s hot and who’s not. And a lot more. AdReview [...]
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