NATIVE has released it August Mobile Report. In this report NATIVE has focussed on the impact of Cell C on the market, the Apple vs. Samsung battle as well as loads more mobile industry news divided up in the following sections: Section 1: Mobile Landscape Section 2: Mobile Handsets & Operating Systems Section 3: Samsung [...]

Jarred Cinman appointed as MD for NATIVE
Jarred Cinman has been appointed as the Managing Director of NATIVE. This new appointment forms part of the continuing growth of NATIVE into a highly efficient and well-run organisation. Cinman will be working closely with NATIVE’S CEO, Jason Xenopoulos, to mobilise the company’s strategy. Previously the Chief Inventor at NATIVE, in his new role Cinman [...]

NATIVE raises online support for GM’s Chevrolet UTE Force initiatives
When Chevrolet decided to launch its all-new Chevrolet Utility with the idea to bring more heart and soul into it, NATIVE stepped up to assist. Coining the term Chevrolet UTE Force, NATIVE offered digital support for a GM initiative aimed at giving back with heart and soul. In essence the UTE Force is made up [...]

Help #CloseTheTap
Somewhere in Cape Town, South Africa, a tap is running – and we need you to help us close it! #CloseTheTap is a digital initiative inspiring real-world action. For love of water, NATIVE created this initiative with the hope to raise awareness around global water wastage and offer people real, every-day tips for saving water. [...]

AMASA Cape Town February meeting
THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON Guest Speaker, Jason Xenopoulos, is a creative director, filmmaker and media entrepreneur whose creative ventures have spanned all areas of the media industry, from film and television to brand advertising and digital marketing. Jason currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer at NATIVE, Africa’s leading Independent Digital Agency. According [...]

Title fight event in Cape Town
pMailer, a South African bulk Email and SMS marketing platform has announced it will be the Ring sponsor of Digital Edge Live’s upcoming Title Fight event in Cape Town on 14 October, 2011, at the Dragon Power Arena in Cape Town. “Digital marketing is all about reaching the customers and getting direct feedback on your [...]
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