The next annual AMASA workshop will again be held at the picturesque Little Switzerland resort in the Drakensburg from the 2nd to the 5th of August 2012. Themed the Nuts n Bolts of Media Planning, the workshop will delve into the latest crucial information that everyone in the media field should know and understand. “It’s [...]

MASA congratulates AAA Media Management student
The student who showed the best attitude, aptitude and enthusiasm for entering the world of media according to the AAA was Sadhvi Rampersad, and Chairperson Lyn Jones was at her graduation to congratulate her. Together with the AAA, AMASA committee members are responsible for setting exam papers, monitoring course material and for arranging top class [...]

AMASA AGM elects 2012/13 committee
On the 4th April, the Advertising Media Association of South Africa will host its annual AGM. The industry is invited to attend and have their say by voting in the 2012/13 committee. In addition, AMASA will host a briefing on the upcoming Roger Garlick Awards. “AMASA is always looking for strong committee members who [...]

MASA urges renewed industry memberships
The continued success of AMASA (The Advertising Media Association of South Africa) hinges on the existence of a strong and motivated membership. AMASA is calling on all members to renew their annual membership and for potential members from the media industry to sign up. Fulfilling its fundamental mandate of providing education to the media advertising [...]

AMASA invests in industry education
AMASA’s successful two year old Learnership Programme (ALP) continues growing from strength to strength, with the non-profit organisation securing partner agencies Starcom MediaVest Group (SMG) and Ads24 as the 2011 intern hosts. The AMASA ALP’s core purpose is to inject fresh young talent into the media industry by partnering with South Africa’s leading media agencies [...]
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- Rian van Heerden joins Jacaranda 94.2 June 29, 2011
- Knock-out beer TVC screens this weekend July 20, 2012
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- Emirates billboard reaches new heights with MediaVest November 15, 2012
- Gambling in SA rises 10.6% November 14, 2012
- Tony: Thanks for the comments. We have taken the view in...
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