MetropolitanRepublic is the agency behind the Fish and Chip Co Hake and Chips for R25 meal ad that the SABC is refusing to flight. This commercial depicts a cartoon President Jacob Zuma and his family having dinner was not aired because it implied presidential endorsement of the product, the SABC said on Tuesday. As of today it [...]
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Ireland/Davenport find an opportunity in the Amazon
What do you do when a client asks you for a truly unique and captivating concept for a campaign? Where do you look for something genuinely beautiful and out of this world? When Investec Asset Management gave this challenge to Ireland/Davenport they found their answer in the Amazon. The seven-year-old Johannesburg-based advertising agency was tasked [...]

TBWA makes billboard entirely of shoes
Many great campaigns begin with a simple idea, or rather a question. In the case of insect killer Doom’s new campaign, the question is “What is the actual power of Doom?” The answer, according to TBWA, makers of the new Doom outdoor campaign, has been brought to life in the form of a [...]

Clover is still way better
In cricketing parlance, a ‘five-for’ is every bowler’s dream, but in advertising terms, receiving five different awards at the country’s biggest annul event is even more special. This is exactly what Clover and its agencies managed to achieve at the 34th Loerie Awards held in Cape Town in late September. Clover did “way better” than it [...]

PocketMedia helps navigate the new Companies Act
Grant Thornton has the expertise needed to help its clients navigate the complexities of the new Companies Act introduced in 2011, without its operations being over-constrained by regulation and red tape. As such, it recently contracted PocketMedia® Solutions to produce a pocket-sized Z-CARD® which contains everything its clients need to know about the new Companies Act and [...]

One Portuguese salad between friends
Santam and Nando’s have made quite an impact by uniting with each other to support a very worthy cause. ‘One Portuguese Salad between friends’ campaign has been a huge hit and certainly created a ‘positive’ stir not just within the ad industry but with the public at large as well. The public are delighted at [...]
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- RT @danettefrog44: Digital agency of the year is Quirk #AdFocus2012 9 hours ago
- RT @odette_roper: #Adfocus2012 Results - African Agency Network of the Year: Ogilvy Africa 9 hours ago
- RT @Orestaki: Neo Mashigo winner of New broom. Great to be young. Good luck for the future mate. You'll rock. #AdFocus2012 9 hours ago
- RT @odette_roper: #Adfocus2012 Results - Partnership of the Year (to award the relationship between an agency ... 9 hours ago
- RT @justinspratt: super proud of all our amazing QuirkStars who helped us win Digital Agency of the Year. It is ... 9 hours ago
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- Rian van Heerden joins Jacaranda 94.2 June 29, 2011
- Jacaranda 94.2 announces new breakfast team November 29, 2011
- Knock-out beer TVC screens this weekend July 20, 2012
- Fish and Chip ad attracts many to YouTube November 28, 2012
- Nando’s Christmas November 28, 2012
- PRISM entry deadline looms November 28, 2012
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