Beleaguered motorists are increasingly looking to affordable parts and good service contracts to help them cope with the spiralling costs of owning and maintaining their vehicles – and feel that motor manufacturers are falling short in providing these. That’s one of the key findings from the SA Autobrand Survey 2012, which has revealed [...]
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Five things you should know about Gen Y
Gen Y gets a bad reputation that they are too hedonistic and all about living in the moment, that they don’t know what they will be doing tomorrow, let alone how they will budget their finances and plan for the future. If you were asked to paint a portrait of the modern young adult, most [...]

TAMS RIMs set to change
On 6 August 2012, some of the variables used in the current weighting matrix in SAARF’s Television Audience Measurement Survey will change. SAARF has announced that the interlaced RIMs will be unbundled in a bid to increase data stability and give users more freedom with the data. CURRENT STATE OF PLAY The TAMS sample [...]

Shoprite shows that convenience is King
Shoprite’s dominance in the grocery market looks set to continue for the foreseeable future according to new research released today by TNS. The Commitment Economy, an independent global survey of over 39,000 people in 17 markets, reveals that competitive pricing and the convenient location of Shoprite’s 1 520 stores are giving the retailer the edge [...]

The 2012 SAMRA Conference takes a new course
Advertising and marketing guru Andy Rice will be a keynote speaker, at the annual SAMRA Conference (Southern African Marketing Research Association) on 16 and 17 August 2012. SAMRA members and delegates to the 2012 SAMRA conference at the Rosebank Crowne Plaza can look forward to two jam-packed days of learning, knowledge sharing and networking, culminating [...]

Three minute viral video showcases consumer statistics
iProspect, launched in South Africa with the acquisition of Clickthinking,is one of South Africa’s oldest and most established search marketing and digital performance agencies. To celebrate refreshed beginnings in line with s global business strategy, a viral video has been developed that shows what consumers searched for in 2011. The 3 minute visual spectacular, set [...]
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- Rian van Heerden joins Jacaranda 94.2 June 29, 2011
- Knock-out beer TVC screens this weekend July 20, 2012
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- Congratulations to the Africa Com winners 2012 November 15, 2012
- Emirates billboard reaches new heights with MediaVest November 15, 2012
- Gambling in SA rises 10.6% November 14, 2012
- Tony: Thanks for the comments. We have taken the view in...
- michael: Hi...just going through your tables. I think you m...
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