TomTom has launched a new campaign “Break Free”. The campaign aims to encourage people around the world to break free from traffic jams with TomTom’s HD Traffic service. HD Traffic is a live traffic service that delivers accurate traffic information straight to a compatible TomTom device every two minutes – that’s up to seven times [...]
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SA’s four most loved TV ads
Draftfcb agencies have dominated – once again – the annual Millward Brown Best Liked Television Ads Top 10 list. The names of South Africa’s favourite ten television commercials for 2010 were announced in March and included four ads from Draftfcb South Africa agencies. From Draftfcb Johannesburg, Toyota Auris ‘Buddy and ChiChi’ was ranked as the [...]

Ocean Basket talks fish
Ocean Basket’s introduces ‘Sole Sisters’ Based on its previous success with Ocean Basket’s Talking Fish television commercials, Joe Public has released the newest instalment but this time the fish will entertain you with their sweet melodies. You may have seen the series of Ocean Basket ads that feature human-looking fish exchanging off-the-wall conversations. Now, in [...]

Nando’s mocks Cell C
Nandos is a brand that always dares to be different. The chicken fast food chain has managed once again to rock the boat with their new campaign, staring CEO Kagiso, which mocks Cell C’s marketing campaign featuring comedian Trevor Noah as Cell C’s new CEO. So much so that the mobile phone company sent a [...]