November 12, 2012. Ads for an Epoch Facebook tries to emulate ‘1984’ and ‘Crazy Ones’ but doesn’t quite make it I nstead of commissioning a statue of its founder or setting up a charitable trust, a high-tech industry leader today may choose to mark its achievement with a self-conscious, epochal advertisement that makes a “Big [...]
Tag Archives | Facebook

Corporate SA has woken up to social media
Large corporate brands in South Africa have woken up to social media, following in the footsteps of their customers. The South African Social Media Landscape 2012 study, released today by technology market researchers World Wide Worx and information analysts Fuseware, reveals that 95% of major corporations surveyed have some form of social media strategy aimed at consumers. [...]

INTIEM Facebook page boasts 60 000 fans
INTIEM magazine’s Facebook fan page is boasting with more than 60 000 fans. For this magazine, which is relatively new in comparison with other Afrikaans magazine titles, it’s a huge milestone. INTIEM is now 6 years in existence and with this figure they are beating other magazine titles which has flourished for decades already. This [...]

Advertising code now applicable to Facebook
If you have a social media profile for your brand, such as a Facebook page or Twitter profile, buckle up because a landmark ruling by the Advertising Standards Board in Australia is likely to affect your online business marketing soon. The Advertising Standards Board in Australia received a complaint that the content on the official [...]

New Book marks 10th Anniversary Creative Ideas
THE CREATIVE BUSINESS IDEA BOOK: TEN YEARS OF BREAKTHROUGH THINKING We are in an exciting age in business—one powered not just by new technologies but by ideas. In this new era, a single brilliant idea has the capacity to create industry giants and build entirely new categories. Google, Dyson, eBay, Apple, Facebook, and others offer [...]

Face of the future
BOOK: The Facebook Effect AUTHOR: David Kirkpatrick PUBLISHER: Virgin Books ISBN: 978-0-7535-2274-5 If you’ve seen the movie ‘The Social Network’ about the meteoric and maverick rise of Facebook and enjoyed it, The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick is a book you will want to read. It’s billed as “the inside story” after author Kirkpatrick was [...]