Looking back at tends in 2012 - Advantage Magazine

Looking back at tends in 2012

Looking back to forge ahead – countdown to the top trends 12 (plus 1) trends for 2012

By Angus Robinson

 looks at some of the highlights experienced over the past year, counting down 12 trends (plus a bonus one!) for 2012, with a view on how they will affect changes for 2013. He has prepared a ranked list of trends in his own order of significance – no 1 being the most significant.


These are:


13. Tablets and the BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) trend

12. MXit’s rollercoaster year

11. First Grand Prix Loerie for a mobile-led campaign (Be the Coach)

10. Plummeting data costs

9. Banks and their Apps

8. Mobile-first applications and visual social networks like Instagram and Pinterest coming out strong

7. Contrast of Nokia and Blackberry’s fortunes in SA (and Africa) vs the Rest of the World

6. Facebook reaching 1bn and its refocus on mobile (redeveloped App, mobile

advertising and feature phone version)

5. Africa’s mobile explosion

4. Apple vs Samsung in the market and in court

3. Race to LTE with VC getting the jump

2. Decline of Telkom and the 8ta drain

1. Alan Knott-Craig’s move to Cell C and their return to relevance (simplified services)


Download the link here: http://www.native.co.za/blog-detail/mobile-report-retrospective


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