The first (SAcsi) results were released in Johannesburg today. SAcsi is a national economic indicator of customer evaluations of the quality of products and services available to household consumers in SA. It’s the only company to hold a licence of the acclaimed American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and now forms part of a group of [...]
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Times Media Group announces new data visualisation tool
Amorphous, a digital corporate communications company owned by The Times Media Group, has developed a business tool that provides users with detailed demographics and other key business information about the residents in any location around South Africa. The tool, called Hudlr, pulls data from the records of over 20 million financially active South Africans and [...]

Interesting insights into the youth employment sector
The annual Universum South Africa’s survey of over 16,900 tertiary students from all 23 accredited tertiary institutions and over 9,100 professionals has thrown up some fascinating insights into youth employment trends. Universum’s student and professionals’ surveys are the most extensive in the country and provide essential information for understanding and improving recruitment of students and professionals [...]

Lil-lets wins prestigious accolade
Research plays a critical role in truly connecting, understanding and engaging with consumers, according to Darlene Smith, marketing director for Lil-lets – a leading provider of sanitary solutions in South Africa – which has just won Product of the Year in the pantyliner category. Lil-lets Ultra Long Pantyliners, the longest pantyliners in South Africa, [...]

Product of the Year 2013 announces most innovative consumer goods
Product of the Year, the largest consumer product research on the African continent, has announced the top 48 consumer goods as voted for by South African customers. Selected from over 200 products which made the finalist roll, the winners list is based on months of intensive research involving the surveying of over 5,000 South African households [...]

SAARF looking for administrator
Position of Administrator South African Audience Research Foundation (SAARF) JOHANNESBURG Remuneration package: Negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. Qualifications and Experience: An applicable qualification and preferably at least 10 years’ experience in bookkeeping. The ideal candidate will have: · A working knowledge of Pastel and Pastel Payroll. · Ten years of bookkeeping experience. · A [...]

New TV audience measurement system for India
The Broadcast Audience Research Council, India (BARC) has issued a global Request for Information (RFI) to seek understanding of the state-of-the art in the area of Television Audience Measurement Research in particular and Audience Measurement Research in more general terms. Punit Goenka, Chairman-BARC and MD & CEO, ZEE said, “BARC is committed to building a [...]

SAARF starts training courses
The will be conducting the Living Standards Measure training in Johannesburg. (See SAARF website for Cape Town and Durban training dates.) The content of the training will cover the following: · History / Development of LSM® · Early LSM® · 1993 /1995 /2000 LSM® · New SAARF LSM® and LSM® Extensions · Other SAARF Segmentation Tools (SAARF Lifestyles, SAARF Lifestages and SAARF Attitude Groups) Attendees will be informed [...]

Motorists plead for service plans
Beleaguered motorists are increasingly looking to affordable parts and good service contracts to help them cope with the spiralling costs of owning and maintaining their vehicles – and feel that motor manufacturers are falling short in providing these. That’s one of the key findings from the SA Autobrand Survey 2012, which has revealed [...]

Five things you should know about Gen Y
Gen Y gets a bad reputation that they are too hedonistic and all about living in the moment, that they don’t know what they will be doing tomorrow, let alone how they will budget their finances and plan for the future. If you were asked to paint a portrait of the modern young adult, most [...]