Advertising platform reaches out to 1.5 million consumers

Nine Mile Media’s consumer engaging Billads bill folder advertising platform will reach out to a potential 1.5 million upmarket consumers in coffee shops and other light meal environments nationally, to ensure that Orbit remains top-of-mind after every drink or meal.

Orbit’s new Billads advertising campaign, “What’s the damage? Nothing, if you chew Orbit” kicks off in May 2012 with striking creative and Orbit samples that will be strategically placed inside the Billads bill folders which consumers have to open to pay their bill.

“The campaign will run in 105 of Billads’ upmarket sites, where Orbit consumers often enjoy a drink or meal,” says Craig Segal, the Managing Director of Nine Mile Media.

“Billads is therefore able to directly engage the brand’s relevant target audience to create a reaction to Orbit,” he adds.

“The Billads medium is in perfect synergy with our global campaign, ‘Eat.Drink.Chew.’, and that’s exactly what we want consumers to do,” says Ashleigh Tomlin, Orbit Brand Manager, Wrigley South Africa.

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